Monday, January 2, 2017

INSIGHT in 2017

One word challenge for 2017: INSIGHT! 

This year has been an incredible journey!  Having the opportunity to work as the lead learner and principal at Vero Beach Elementary has been an extraordinary adventure.  It's been filled with anxiety, fear, excitement, stress, and perseverance.  I couldn't be more proud of our Tribe and what we have accomplished in just one year.  Discipline down, learning gains up, and most importantly- happy thriving students!  I must say, with my heart poured into the walls of the school there have been far too many moments this year that I haven't been present with my loved ones.  The reality is far too often I was reactive and hyper focused on change at school.  This left very little energy to be present in my home life.  2017 will be different.   I'm finding that, while I will always be learning and growing, I have to have balance.   This will be the year of insight, inspired by my four year old, Aiden.  As my family ventured on our yearly road trip from Florida to the mountains;  I was deeply inspired by my youngest.   He listened intently to his older brother who explained the basics of snowboarding to him.  He asked questions and this helped him alleviate his fears.   As we snapped on the snowboard he said, "this is going to be awesome."  While he wasn't perfect, he persevered.  In fact, his favorite moment wasn't when he mastered the slope, it was when he fell.  He used those "mistakes" to enjoy the snow and create snow angels.

There is something about having the moxie to try new things and accomplish goals that we set that invigorates me.  The moments with my family have refreshed me and erased so many of the thoughts and fears that I had about the upcoming year. I'm not perfect, but I believe we have the tenacity to devour any obstacles that stand in the way!

2017 will be about insight.

Having the ability to understand that my career will flourish when I take care of my needs as well. Exercise, healthy habits, and taking care of my family have to be valued and prioritized

 Using insight to make decisions to continue moving our school from reactive to proactive student-centered decisions. 

 Recognizing that innovation will be the key to creating equity in our school.  The students deserve opportunities that level the playing field and inspire them to achieve their potential.  I will continue to advocate for them every single chance I get 

My staff deserves every decision to stem from insight, research, and passion.  We all need to keep our focus on what is best for the kiddos! 

I've been blessed with an amazing amount of insight from my professional learning networks through twitter, the principals in action Voxer group, and the moms as principals Voxer group.  This is something I treasure.  Having a "always growing and inspiring" mindset is what has got me through some of the darkness that this year has had.  

2017 is going to be incredible because my home tribe, work tribe, and learning tribe  have given me incredible insight to appreciate the madness and beauty that life is all about. 

Who else Is pumped for an amazing year?!

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