Friday, November 3, 2017

That VIBE!

We are ALL in!

It's the time of the year where we can already start seeing the progress and growth of our TRIBE!  We have devoted ourselves this year to improving instruction and increasing family engagement.  All data shows we are on our way!

Today we devoted our Grade Chair Meeting to doing something a little unconventional.  Inspired by the Jimmy Fallon school instrument skit we decided to perform our VBE VIBE song written by our amazing music and band director, Helen Newhouse.  Sometimes the growth of our school shows in the smiles on our students faces, sometimes it's determined by data from testing, but today it was measured by the opportunity we had to spend time together doing something FUN for our staff and kiddos!

While we are urgent, we are also in a place to have FUN! 

That's what the #vbevibe is all about!!!  Making school engaging, relevant, and inspiring.

How have you shown that #vbevibe today?