Sunday, January 22, 2017

#eduwin Friday!

We are ALL growing at Vero Beach Elementary!

Friday was a day filled with #eduwin situations!

As a Principal and lead learner, I have become obsessed with learning and improving.  Being a part of two very strong Voxer groups gives me an opportunity to learn, seek advice, steal strategies, and vet programs that can benefit our school.  One of the main things I have taken away from these amazing leaders is the importance of being visible.  Being in the moment and immersed in the learning!

This week we were challenged to spend an entire day with kidddos!
Thank you #principalsinaction and #momsasprincipals for always encouraging me to grow!

What I was able to take away from Friday was priceless!  At least 7 different #eduwins!

1.  Our grade chair morning meeting (before kiddos arrive) allowed us to really dive into our data and recognize who and what our assets are in each grade level.  Our amazing leaders then had a chance to create a grade level action plan to support areas of opportunity.  #eduwin

2. To celebrate our 100th day of school our kids dressed up, created projects, proved thier ability to do 100 tasks aligned to grade level standards, and had a chance to show their creative side.  I love how one of our students used 100 legos to write "100!"  He was so proud of his creativity!
Students taking ownership of their learning #eduwin

3. As lead learners we used the 100 day to promote literacy.  We created scarfs filled with 100 golden wampum,  a very coveted PBS incentive.  It took me only 20 minutes to find 100 students that could show me the book they are currently reading in their backpack!  I was so impressed! Students loving Literacy #eduwin

4.  Our day continued with awards for 4th and 5th grade.  I can't believe how much our ceremonies have transformed, from students earning awards for clean desks... to now students being celebrated over and over again for 50+ point gains on their ELA and math diagnostics.   Every single little Indian EARNED an award!  Every. Single. One.  A parent stopped me after and told me that the ceremony made her so proud because she felt every child was celebrated and she's never seen that before.  That's what I call an #eduwin!

5. Ms. Moree and I spent time visiting every single class and taking pictures of our Little Indians engaged in learning.  We ordered over 100 11x14 pictures that we can not wait to put on canvas and hang in our hallways. The kids LOVE seeing their faces on our walls.  We hope to have this completed by next week!  #eduwin

6.  Our community partnerships contribute to grow and expand.  Thanks to our Literacy coach, Sarah Van Brimmer, and one of our school board members, Tiffany Justice; we have a huge kick off event planned for VBE on Monday!  Our students are going to love the guests who have committed to help us prove that #leadersarereaders #eduwin

7. Techie learning!  I was able to witness the power of technology to enhance differentiated learning in a 1st grade classroom.  Thanks to the learning alliance and the share fair nation grant- we will be adding 50 iPads to VBE!  In addition, our school is ordering another 25!  This means we will have 5 iPads in each of our Kinder- 2nd grade classes for our students to utilize to fill the technology and achievement gap!  #onourwaytoanA. #vbevibe #techieeduwin

We couldn't do any of this alone.  Thank you to every single person who has contributed to the growth and transformation taking place at VBE!


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