I recently had the opportunity to participate in two incredible professional development sessions. As a district literacy coach we participated in a six-day foundational literacy training presented by Voyager Sopris that centered on Scarborough’s Reading Rope. Then, the amazing Leann Nickelsen visited our school for three days of professional development on formative assessment.
As I was reflecting on the big ideas and how they relate to my current pedagogy I was struck by an amazing insight. When we aren’t getting results we are generally focused on the “distractors” or blanket generalizations. Kids didn’t perform because … they didn’t stay focused, they had trouble reading the font {yes, someone really said that}, they don’t have enough vocabulary, etc.
Instead, we need to feed our focus.
Let’s reflect on our instruction and ask ourselves the following questions:
• Are we focusing on the right things?
• What gaps in foundational knowledge do students have?
• How are students being asked to demonstrate mastery?
• Does our practice mirror our assessment?
This is especially important in foundational literacy. In order to progress through the stages of word reading and language development there are very critical milestones and learning targets that must be met. Before we can expect students to decode automatically and efficiently, they need to be able to associate letters with sounds, and eventually recognize patterns that make syllables and words . If we get stuck in any of the foundational phases, word decoding will falter and hamper the rest of the process. The same is true with mathematical processes – you cannot multiply before you learn to add efficiently.
So in our fast-paced race to state testing season, I’m committing to slow down and narrow my focus. What are the most essential skills my students need? What gaps in foundational knowledge can I fill? How is my practice mirroring how my students will be expected to demonstrate mastery?
This isn’t always easy – but it reaps big benefits. So tribe tell me -- What feeds your focus? How do you tune out the distractions to focus on just the essentials?
Guest Blog
Sarah Van Brimmer
Literacy Coach at Vero Beach Elementary
Sarah Van Brimmer
Literacy Coach at Vero Beach Elementary
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