Sunday, September 24, 2017

If You Think I'm Urgent...

Complete transparency...  I lose sleep from feeling insufficient to lead such an amazing team.

I've been reflecting a lot on feedback I recently received as a leader.  I was told that I'm urgent and passionate and that I need to accept that it makes some people not want to work at VBE. 

Ouch.  Just ouch. 

I considered many things in reflection...

Should I tone down my passion and excitement?

Should I abandon accountability to be more likable?

Should I put kids second to ensure adults feel comfortable?

The answer is no.  

I certainly didn't get into education to be mediocre for kids, or run a sub-par program.  

We are on the rise because our team is urgent. 
Our teachers are invested.  
Our staff believes in the ViBE.  

We KNOW we can be the change in our kiddos lives! 

As a leader...

If I don't have a sense of urgency to help fill the academic gaps of our incoming kindergarteners, how can I expect our educators to?

If I'm not set on fire each day to give high-fives, hug kiddos, and show love; how can I encourage others to do the same?

If I don't insist that every child receives the services and interventions they need to improve, how can I expect the adults on our campus to?

If I don't stress over every piece of data, analyzing what adjustments can be made to help drive instruction forward, how can I expect our teams to?

If I don't commit to building relationships with our families and stakeholders, how can I expect VBE to fulfill its purpose in our community? 

If I don't show grace to students who need re-teaching and support to grow in their social emotional learning, how can I expect teachers to?

If I don't take time to value the importance of professionally growing through reading and collaboration, how can that be a goal on our teachers professional development plans?

If I can't be patient in helping #failforwards become learning opportunities for growth, how can I set that expectation for classrooms? 

I humbly say... if you think I'M urgent... you should meet my amazing staff!

If you think I'm passionate you should meet the principals I connect with daily on Voxer and twitter in #momsasprincipals and #principalsinaction

Passionate educators create passionate learners! 

So next time I hear, you're very urgent and passionate, my response will be, "thank you!"

Next time I hear I missed out on someone who thought VBE would be too much work, my response will be, "that's probably what's best for our kiddos!"

I'll take passionate and urgent over stagnant and complacent ANY day!

Maybe we can all use a little more

Thursday, September 14, 2017


I think we have all been through events that have felt stressful and sat by and watched how leadership handled the situation.  Some leaders are only meant to survive. Unfortunately, not all of these scenarios are worthy of a blog post of recognition.  There are some leaders who become agitated.   There are some leaders who find the negative and multiply misery through constant complaining.  There are some leaders who become angry micro-managers. There are some leaders who shut down completely.  Then, there are also some leaders who THRIVE!  I was humbled to be a part of a system of true servant leadership amidst the chaos and trauma of Hurricane Irma, as part of the TRIBE who worked at the Freshman Learning Center,Vero Beach High School Red Cross shelter.

I want to begin with Chief O'Keefe, the Principal from Vero Beach High School.  Shawn O'Keefe was everything you would want from a leader.  I've known him as a colleague, but I could have never imagined the strength and heart he showed throughout our time in the shelter.  He was planned out, calm, an advocate for his facility, and an even stronger advocate for the people of the shelter.  He was a true humanitarian throughout the 60 hours that we spent together, insisting that every single client at the shelter be treated with respect and dignity.  I watched as he led through his actions, not his words.  Personally, seeing him grab cots, blankets, and pillows for some of our elderly clients, setting up areas that would make them more comfortable through the storm.

 I watched as he participated in the events we had, made jokes with our new friends, and shared his love of helping others. He inspired his entire crew to go beyond just "running a shelter" and encourage us to create an environment that would ease the stress of the impending storm and possible damage to our area.  Kudos to O'Keefe for strong leadership!

Shawn O'Keefe also led and inspired a team of administrators that went so far above and beyond the
call of "shelter duty."  Vero Beach High School Assistant Principals Greg Ahrens, Rachel Serra, and Megan Kendrick; along with District Director of Assessment and Accountability, Chris Taylor.  We set up an environment that became far more like a cruise ship, then a shelter housing the elderly, homeless, and evacuees from the storm.  With over 400 people in the shelter, we managed games of Bingo, chairobics, a National Guard led kids dance off, movie night, and an acoustic musical review. We were entertained by the hourly updates over the sound system by Rachel Serra, keeping us amused, informed, and calm throughout the entire experience.

 This team of servant leaders went beyond the call of duty, including Megan Kendrick calling in friends and family to bring extra blankets, pillows, and even giving away her own belongings including air mattresses to ensure others were comfortable.  We watched as each leader's passion for helping others led to 20 hour days of true humbled actions.  Helping our new friends get to the restroom, sharing stories to help ease stress, and watching as our shelter began taking on it's own life of inspired volunteerism.

Here is a short video of some of the events that took place over the 60 hours we were with our clients.  Its worth the minute to watch it all in action!

The leadership didn't stop with administration, VBE School Nurse, Claudia Viladrosa, was a part of the incredible team that assisted.  She even brought her daughter Angelica and her friend, Bradford Heidrich along to help.  Angelica and Bradford, both college students, spent over 55 hours, including night shifts, volunteering in the shelter assisting the elderly, helping set up, caring for our new friends.  Two of the hardest working kids with the biggest hearts, kudos to you both for RISING UP.

Our team watched as the kindness began to spread.  We witnessed incredible acts from our very own evacuees.  Children from our local schools began walking water and snacks to our elderly and disabled patrons.

 Families gave up their belongings to help others in need.  Others jumped right in to assist; spending hours setting up areas and moving belongings for others so they would feel safe and settled through the stress.  We watched as Jhonathan Vite, Sebastian River High School Sophomore and his father helped over 30 families not only set up, but break down their sites once the storm passed by.

We watched as inhabitants became friends.

We even had time to learn stories like Papo Hernandez, who has taken on the role of being the sole 
caregiver to a co-worker he had in the past.  Papo spent the majority of his time in the shelter not only helping Andy, but many other elderly patrons throughout his time with us.  Such incredible acts of human kindness.

Overall, I couldn't be more humbled, inspired AND PROUD to be a part of the SDIRC community.

Thank you to all the Red Cross, EOC District Personnel, National Guard, and First Responders for everything you have done throughout the storm to keep our citizens safe!  We are SDIRC STRONG!

Also- Thank you to WAWA- who insisted on giving us free coffee the day we came in before setting up the shelter.  Sometimes, it's the little things that make us feel "warm" and comforted!

It's amazing to see others in the community that attended our shelter taking time to write about the experience.  Thank you Avalon Mcgann for the wonderful article in the TCPalm. 

Monday, September 4, 2017


It's taken me a while to write my first post for the new school year.  Maybe because we've been busy, but more likely because things haven't gone as smooth as I had hoped.  My own ego and pride stopped me multiple times as I began writing and had to walk away.  Here's the truth, it's been an interesting start at Vero Beach Elementary this year.  In order to keep the integrity, I must honor the intentions of being vulnerable, real, and reflective about our journey.  Here's the truth:

This school year did not start easy.

However, for every single area of concern, I feel like we have overcome them because we are:

We have increased our attendance, which is awesome, but also resulted in needing more teachers than originally accounted for.  We recruited and brought in incredible talent to VBE to ensure we are #tribestrong

Luckily our entire staff understands that we are greater together when our heads and hearts are aligned!  Our grade levels have already put in an incredible amount of work to keep our focus on engaging Science, Literacy, Inquiry, Design, and Engineering units as we continue our SLIDE into innovation.  Which is only possible when we are #tribestrong 

We have new Little Indians to our mix, which we need to learn about and build relationships with.  We love growing our tribe, but can't ignore that this causes some growing pains.  We will show them what it means to be #tribestrong

Luckily, we have the ability to teach and re-teach our expectations, showing our new students, and our returning students, how to self regulate, develop a growth mindset, and thrive.  We will teach our kiddos what it means to be #tribestrong

We have some new staff and have been working tirelessly to ensure that no students regress as we build up those around us.  Accountability depends on all members sharing what works best for our students by ensuring our teams are collaborative, data driven, and #tribestrong

As leaders, we will continue to advocate so every child, every day, is given what they need to be successful, challenged, and loved. We will embrace the struggle, but demand progress by being #tribestrong

Finally, we have had a slight back slide in our behavior data as a result of the changes.  We acknowledge it, adjust our path, and move forward.  As a tribe we refuse to let anything stand in our way during this journey #onourwaytoanA

This work is too important to do alone.  To truly continue with the progress we've made already moving up two letter grades in one year, we need to build each other up and continue to be #tribestrong